Saturday, January 11, 2014

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

"House Rules:
  1.  Clean up your own messes.
  2.  Tell the truth.
  3.  Brush you teeth twice a day.
  4.  Don't be late for school.
  5. Take care of your brother; he's the only one you've got."
                          -from the novel

This was another good book by Jodi Picoult, not as good as the last one I read, The Storyteller, but definitely a page-turner! I rate it a solid 4. The story involves Jacob, a high school senior with Asperger's. Jacob has many idiosyncrasies stemming from his disability, all rather eye-opening for me since I have no real experience with this syndrome. It was apparent that the author had researched extensively because the characterizations of Jacob and his mother and brother as they related to him were quite believable. One of Jacob's quirks was the singing of Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff" as a calming effect. He frequently quotes lines from movies and he is a stickler for following rules. Jacob is totally obsessed with criminal forensics and after he is accused of murdering his social skills tutor, this "hobby" points to his guilt. Jacob's brother, Theo,  has his own emotional problems which leaves one wondering through most of the book: Just what was his involvement in the death of this young woman, Jess? Jess's boyfriend is the early suspect, and not a very likeable sort himself.

This novel brings up the possible link between childhood vaccines and autism. I'm still not sure what to think about that controversy. I probably did learn a great deal about Asperger's, that it is a high-functioning level of autism and that individuals with this syndrome can be extremely intelligent, and in Jacob's case, even profound. For example, he says "It is hard for me to explain why it is so difficult to look into people's eyes. Imagine what it would be like if someone sliced your chest with a scalpel and rummaged around inside you, squeezing your heart and lungs and kidneys. That level of complete invasion is what it feels like when I make eye contact. The reason I choose not to look at people is that I don't think it's polite to rifle through someone's thoughts, and the eyes might as well be glass windows, they're that transparent."

The plot of House Rules moves quickly, being told by 5 characters alternating chapters. So 532 pages are read before you know it. The publisher includes discussion questions at the end of the novel and a conversation with the author which is very enlightening.


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