Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Secret Diary of Hendrick Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old by Hendrik Goen

"Mr. Hoogdalen has been driving a mobility scooter for a few months. Three days ago, his son, who owns a garage, took it home, and he returned it this morning. All pimped out. Spoilers, extra-wide tires, GPS, sound system with speakers, horn, and the cherry on top, an airbag. All quite unnecessary but no less brilliant for that. Hoogdalen, proud as a peacock, drove his Lamborghini-scooter round and round the home."

     -from the diary

Hendrik Groen, the author/main character calls himself an "ever the civil, ingratiating, courteous, polite, and helpful guy." He says he is going "to give the world an uncensored expose: a year in the life of the inmates of a care home in North Amsterdam." 

This book was a breath of fresh air, so funny and endearing...and relatable, now that I live in a continuing care retirement community. I am not so sure that folks still living in single-family homes would enjoy it as much. I highlighted so many parts that I dare not share them all. I've already quoted Hendrik 3 times!

He describes the Conversation Lounge in the home as the GGG Suite---Gossip, Grousing and Gibberish and mentions that sometimes the residents have "organ recitals." (Get it?) He says the 3 R's for old folks are rest, recreation and routine, with recreation being optional and the others mandatory in the home. He adds that the exercise sessions are mostly sitting down and indeed they are where my husband and I live. What we call walkers (and there are loads of them at our residence) he calls rollators. Our place doesn' t have many motorized scooters but I loved the description quoted above.

Hendrik and his friends form a small group they call the Old But Not Dead Club. The members take turns planning outings for the group. 

So much of the book is humorous but there are poignant parts with one dear friend of Hendrik facing dementia and another trying to recover from a debilitating stroke. This is the downside of living in a such a home, seeing the suffering of friends.

This book gets a very solid 5 from me! It was just what I needed after reading The Bluest Eye. I will likely read another by this author.

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