Saturday, April 28, 2018

Miss Julia Inherits a Mess by Ann B. Ross

"I had to double down on my intention to stick to my own knitting and let these so-called burdens roll right off. My first responsibility was to Lloyd and Sam. Then came Lillian, Hazel Marie, and their little ones, and after them would come a number of others. To my way of thinking, I had my hands full, and I intended to remind the Lord that He'd already piled my plate quite high enough."
                              -Miss Julia's musings, from the novel

When I found this Miss Julia book on the shelf at the library I was pleasantly surprised. I thought I had read all in the series, some 17 by now, but lo and behold, I discovered two I didn't know existed! I thought I was on the author's mailing list but I guess I am out of the loop. Luckily I read this one first because the other, Miss Julia Weathers the Storm, refers to the plot of this one. Ms. Ross always seems to be able to "catch the reader up" with past episodes which would surely help anyone reading the novels out of chronological order.

Miss Julia already has several irons in the fire when she is shocked at being named executor of the will of an acquaintance. She is faced with getting rid of a houseful of furniture, as the title would imply, but also must determine how to reconcile the generous wishes of the deceased with the meager assets she's left behind. To complicate matters, a strange man shows up claiming to be a long-lost great-nephew.

Miss Julia enlists the help of a friend and a furniture appraiser to help prepare the furnishings for auction but soon a seemingly valuable cellarette goes missing. (I had to look that one up---a liquor cabinet.) Friend Etta Mae is a huge help by deciphering a mysterious note and even saving Julia from a "wild ride"! I remember she has helped Miss Julia in other plots.

Reading this novel was almost like "coming home" since the setting and characters are so familiar. It might not be my favorite of all in the series but I will give it a 5 for sheer enjoyment!

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