" I See Your Pain
I see your pain
and want to banish it
with a wave of a star,
but have no star.
I see your tears
and want to dry them
with the hem of an angel's gown,
but have no angel.
I see your heart fallen to the ground
and want to return it
wrapped in cloths woven of rainbow
but have no rainbow.
God is the one
who has stars, and angels and rainbows,
and I am the one
God sends to sit beside you
until the stars come out
and the angels dry your tears
and your heart is back in place,
rainbow blessed."
-Anne Weems
I begin with this poem which the author mentioned is among writings that have inspired her. Knowing Nancy as I do, it is a beautiful description of her own spirit! I feel very blessed to count her among my close friends. She is an amazing woman, often referred to as the "Energizer bunny" or even Saint Nancy!
I must rate this memoir a 5; I enjoyed it immensely! Although it is not exactly a page-turner, Nancy's story is compelling and inspiring. I knew about some of her accomplishments, but I learned so much more through this reading.
Nancy's subtitle is A Reflection of My Life in Africa and, indeed I knew she and her husband Bill had been missionaries in Africa. I never realized how many countries they had served in---5---Congo/Zaire, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Madagascar. I found it so interesting that they had to evacuate Congo for their own protection after speaking out against the evil tyrant, Mobutu. And I was so impressed with her lobbying in Washington, DC against US support of Mobutu.
Some of my favorite parts were the ones about Nancy's work with children, especially working with the street children in Zimbabwe, helping to start the Lovemore House and the Namumu Orphanage Center and Kanyama Crisis Nursery in Zambia, where she fell in love with little Stanley, pictured on the book cover. I remember her reports to our church congregation about these projects and that our annual Mission Fairs at Park Lake Presbyterian Church raised money for them. We have met some of the African pastors Nancy and Bill worked with when they visited our church---Paul Neshangwe, Nedson Zulu, Sebber Banda. I only wish I could have met Joan and Craig Trevelyan who did such amazing work with vulnerable children.
Our church has given generously to many of the needs brought to our attention by Nancy and Bill and also by their daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, Dan Turk, missionaries in Madagascar. We have donated money for wells, fishing boats, birthing kits, building of churches, scholarships to Justo Mwale Theological University, bicycles for pastors who must serve many churches and many more, including the children's homes mentioned previously.
Adventures in Faith is not without humor---especially tales of unusual pets the Warlick family had. Numerous parts are exciting where sickness or political danger threaten. The descriptions of some of the children they encountered are poignant and the whole book showcases examples of loving God and others. What a wonderful legacy Nancy has offered us in the writing of this memoir!
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