Monday, July 10, 2023

Sulfur Springs by William Kent Krueger


"You have work ahead of you, Niece. It will probably be hard work, work that will test you. That is one of the things love does. It tests us in different ways. But love is also fear's worst enemy. In what is ahead of you, hold to your love and not your fear. And when you imagine, imagine the best of what might be."

             -Henry Meloux to Rainy, from the novel

If you follow my blog, you will know I am a huge fan of this author and I enjoy the Cork O'Connor series immensely! I practically inhaled this one---finished in 2 days.

This installment has Cork married to Rainy Bisonette, a bit of a surprise. I had read Manitou Canyon, #15, in May and had forgotten it ended with a hint of romantic events to come. 

Early on, Rainy gets a mysterious and troubling voice message from her son Peter in Arizona and then is unable to reach him. He had indicated that he was in trouble so Rainy and Cork, a darn good private investigator, set out to find him and help however they can. This is quite a departure for the series since the action takes place in the desert of the Southwest, not the usual mountains, lakes and woodlands of Minnesota.

When Rainy's ex-husband Berto, father of Peter, joins the search, Cork can't help feeling nervous about their emotional connection. In the quest for Peter, Cork and the others come across questionable policing, drug cartel activity, anti-immigration gangs, as well as a group called Los Angeles del Desierto, or Desert Angels. who try to protect the fugitives. Cork is always trying to figure out who to trust when he realizes his life is in danger.  All this adds to the urgency to read on to the climax. Will they rescue Peter? Will Cork and Rainy get back to Minnesota in one piece? I'll not be a spoiler!

It looks like there are only 3 more Cork O'Connor mysteries. I hope Mr. Krueger is writing another as I finish this! Sulfur Springs rates a 5. I look forward to Desolation Mountain.

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