Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Downside of Being Charlie by Jenny Torres Sanchez

"I feel like one of those freaks on trashy talk shows, keeping some kind of terrible secret from someone, but then go on national TV and tell them in front of everyone so all these strangers can be entertained by their pain. Is that what I was thinking of doing? But I can't think about those TV people right now because I have to do this. I jump out of bed and start writing down my ideas before they float out of my head."
                       -Charlie, from the novel

Another excellent book for teenagers! The author's debut novel. I read and enjoyed Death, Dickinson and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia by Sanchez a few months ago and thought it was wonderful. I think I actually liked this one better. There can't be many authors who do such a fine job of depicting teenage angst. Perhaps it stems from her years of teaching high school.

Charlie is a high school senior, a self-professed loser, with a sadly dysfunctional family. Though I usually find myself identifying with female characters, Charlie really drew me in and I was rooting for him all the way! Charlie's best friend, Ahmed, was a fascinating character also. To make for an interesting plot, Charlie is dealing with a crush on Charlotte and a school assignment he can't seem to get started, on top of dealing with serious family problems. I was also impressed with his photography teacher, Mr. Killinger, who seemed so kind and concerned, the kind of teacher I hope I was and that every student should have.

Jenny Torres Sanchez is a fine writer, in my opinion. I always look for an intriguing quote to use in my book entries and there is never a problem with her novels. As messed up as Charlie feels he is, he can be quite insightful and even profound at times. I rate this book a 5 and I am looking forward to the author's 3rd novel, which is nearing publication. Young adult fiction may not be right for all of my readers but I must say some novels I read as a fifth grade teacher I still count as among my favorites!

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