Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Trickster's Point by William Kent Krueger


"All life is one weaving, one design by the hand of the Creator, the Great Mystery. All life is connected, thread by thread. When one thread is cut, the others weaken."

                -Henry Meloux, from the novel

Trickster's Point is book #12 in this series. I have enjoyed them all and intend to read on to the end. I count Krueger as one of my very favorite authors.

In this installment, Cork O'Connor is suspected of killing his old friend and gubernatorial candidate, Jubal Little. When Cork comes upon another dead body, some law enforcement folks are ready to accuse him of a second murder.

As a former sheriff and private investigator, Cork must find the real killer(s) in order to exonerate himself. He has a short list of suspects which he must rule out one by one. As the plot thickens, taking different twists and turns, Cork is in some danger and must protect himself and his family.

I am glad Cork has a new love, Rainy, the niece of Henry Meloux, one of my favorite non-O'Connor family characters. Henry is the old and very wise "medicine man" quoted in most of my Cork blog posts. I was amused that the Native American casinos are sometimes called "the new buffalo." Being a Fleetwood Mac fan, I liked the references to the hit song "Rhiannon." Also, I enjoyed Krueger's flashbacks describing some events of Cork's youth. All in all, I loved Trickster's Point. Rating: 5!

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