Monday, July 24, 2023

The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh

"The very first word of the Rule of St. Benedict, that famous text that has guided the life of monastic communities since the sixth century, is listen. I want for us to put listening back where it belongs, at the beginning, in every aspect of life and faith. Listening isn't only something we do in the preparatory stages of life, as though it's a phase we grow out of once we reach a certain age. Nor is it just a pleasant medicine that we need to inject a little more of into our relationships. Listening ought to be at the heart of our spirituality, our relationships, our mission as the body of Christ, our relationship to culture and the world. We are invited to approach everything with the goal of listening first. We are called to participate in the listening life."

                 -from the Introduction

I chose this book as a summer study for our adult Sunday school class after being introduced to it at a church workshop event. I have finished the book, but the group will not conclude the study until the end of August. I have found it enlightening and helpful, sometimes humorous but tedious in places. I will rate it a 3.

The quote pretty much sums up the purpose of McHugh's book. His nine chapters include "Listening to....God, Scripture, Creation, Others, People in Pain." In teaching this series, I have come across a number of powerful quotes which I have shared with our group. 


 “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” Bryant McGill 

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked.” Mark Twain  

And there are many scriptures that reflect the importance of listening also like Mark 4:1-20.

I believe the book has inspired me to be a better listener and I am thankful. I only hope it has affected others positively as well.

Here is a relevant message I spotted recently on a church marquis.

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